We Are a Doomed Species — It’s in Our DNA

Admit it. We are all a little greedy. Some more than others.

Glen Hendrix
6 min readSep 10, 2023
Photo by Braňo on Unsplash

Like every other species on the planet, our genetics are the product of multiple decision tree branches displaying the successful continuation and increase of life. These successful gambits involve acquiring nutrients, finding a livable environment, and propagation. For modern humans that typically means a job for buying food and shelter, sex, and kids. Ad infinitum.

Sometimes acquiring those nutrients and a livable environment means breaking a few rules and being a little self-centered and…well, greedy.

Selfishness is built into our species DNA.

Genetics and natural selection does not give a free ride to capitalism. Unrestrained capitalism is a dismal failure. Particularly here in the United States where the cost of health problems and natural disasters can leave people like you and me out on the street. Beyond the borders of the U.S., multinational corporations are culpable for much of our current predicament.

Nor should DNA excuse the aberrant behavior of the ultra wealthy in cultivating a planet-wide culture of individualism, greed, and materialism.

It is, however, an explanation.

