Is This Even a Civilized Civilization That Is About to Collapse?

We have religion and science and smart phones but there’s this niggling ….

Glen Hendrix
6 min readAug 22, 2024
Photo by Diego van Sommeren on Unsplash

Of course we’re civilized. We have skyscrapers, indoor plumbing, TV, vaccines, cars, airplanes, and air conditioning.

A google search for the first signs of civilization revealed this:

“Anthropologist Margaret Mead is said to have told a student that the first sign of civilization was a healed human femur, or thighbone, in an ancient culture. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, a broken leg would likely be fatal, as the animal would be unable to run away from danger, find food or water, or avoid predators. Therefore, a healed femur in humans would indicate that someone had cared for the injured person, helping them recover and potentially providing food and protection. Mead called this act of kindness and compassion the first sign of civilization.”

If this is the first sign of civilization, what are the first signs of civilization collapse? What are the signs a civilization has begun decaying at its core and is about to crumble?

One would think these first signs of the dissolution of civilization would be in opposition to the kindness and compassion Margaret Mead pointed out as the first signs of…

