Alien Circuit Advisory

Glen Hendrix
1 min readNov 6, 2019
Alien Circuits #17, 18" x 24", acrylic on canvas. Painting and photo by Glen Hendrix.

Electromotive alligators,
positronic masturbators,
pan-bionic infiltrators.

Ignore them for the song in your heart.

Transatomic percolators,
quark-o-matic instigators,
autocratic perpetrators.

They’ll try to steal the song in your heart.

Problematic violators,
plutocratic potent taters,
symptomatic zombie waiters.

They’ll smash and grab the song in your heart.

Ion-loaded scintillators,
nucleated emulators,
subatomic incubators.

They will eat right up the song in your heart.

Ergonomic terminators,
ultrasonic catchyalators,
instamatic syncopators.

Just ignore them for the song in your heart.



Glen Hendrix
Glen Hendrix

Written by Glen Hendrix

Artist, writer, poet, inventor, entrepreneur

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